What is cluny tatting?
Cluny refers to the inclusion of leaves in the tatting, similar to those found in Cluny-style bobbin lace (or Bedfordshire, or…). To learn more, check out Stephanie Peters’ page “Cluny Leaves in Tatting”.
- Sample of cluny leaves in a doily which includes leaves in round 3 (made by me) and in round 5 (made by Steph Peters)
- Doily which includes leaves in round 5 (again by me).
Want to know how to make a leaf?
Tatters can make leaves using their hand as a loom, or use a hand-held loom. They can use a needle or shuttle. It’s their preference. The links below show using the hand as a loom.
- Mimi’s instructions for shuttle
- Mimi’s instructions for needle
- Steph’s instructions for shuttle
- Wally Sosa’s instructions
- Mimi’s Split Cluny
- Tim’s instructions for hanging cluny
For loom patterns and use, refer to:
- Eisbrenner, Lorraine. “Clever Cluny; The Bulletin of the IOLI, Volume 21, Number 1 (Fall 2000-2001). Pattern and instructions for her copyrighted Clever Cluny Loom.
- Tammy Rodger’s Loom made from shrink plastic, innovatively curved to allow easier passage of the shuttle or needle while weaving.
- Pat’s Star Loom made from star-shaped plastic canvas.
Remember, these loom patterns will show a loom, how to make it, and explain how to close the leaf. The instructions assume that you already know the mechanics of weaving a leaf. So you will still need to refer to the links above for weaving with shuttle or needle.
If you have information about cluny tatting to answer my questions or add patterns, please, please contact me!
In particular, my main questions are:
When was cluny tatting invented? My first reference is a set of directions and pattern by Mona S. Gray that appeared in the April, 1917 issue of The Modern Priscilla.
Who was Mona S. Gray?
Want to see more, or try some patterns? Please visit My Bibliography of Cluny Images and Patterns
Content last updated 6 June 2005